Manna Baptist Church

Shelby,  North Carolina



The church that Jonathan attends and works in is Manna Baptist Church.   Pastor Whitlock was gracious to ask me to speak in the Wednesday night service while I was in the area.   We had a wonderful service with the Lord's blessing on the preaching of His Word.  The next day I taught in the Personal Soul-Winning Class at Ambassador Baptist College.



How grateful I am for this sound, solid and soul winning church.  I could sense from the young people, many of which were involved in the service on musical instruments, a spirit of Christian service. 

This beautiful and realistic baptistry painting was done by a member of the church.  It is so striking.  It was so painted as to give the impression of actually standing in the river pictured.  One thing is true however, the water is real!  Praise the Lord for those willing to use their God given talents for the work of the ministry of souls..


As  I drove into the church parking lot my heart was thrilled to see this church bus.  I have for many years been sold on the bus ministry.  I know, today, many who are in the ministry because of a dedicated bus worker.  Only heaven records the fruit of this labor. Even when the "fad" has faded the need to win souls has not.  Thank God for bus workers.


One of the greatest concerns any parent can have is what will our children do while away in college.  Even in Bible College sin can have a grip.  I thank the Lord for this church reaching out to Jonathan.  He loves being there and has had to make some hard choices to serve there.  Now that he has graduated from Ambassador Baptist College he is serving the Lord among the folks of the church here.  Thank you  Brother Whitlock, members of Manna Baptist Church and especially the Edwards family who have shown real Christian love


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