Evangelist Dan Souza
Revival Report

Victory Baptist Church

Berrysburg,  PA

Pastor Mark Davis

Among the rolling hills and deep in the Amish country of Pennsylvania, Pastor Mark Davis and his family have started this Fundamental Independent Baptist Church.  For many years now I have preached the Sunday services for their anniversary as a church family.  The work is growing in grace and vision.  This was their 10 year Anniversary.

As always the spirit among the believers was sweet and their steadfastness in the Word of was evident as they responded to the moving of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.  In days of compromise and worldliness it is always good to see this type of church that has not wavered from the anchor of truth.  Their love and compassion for each other and the community is so very evident.  I met new folks and renewed old friendships.  It seems each time I am there the touch of God is upon us.


Musical talent is all over this church.  No need to bring the world into the church in order to have a stirring and effective music program.  The worship of the Lord with String Instruments was a new addition since my last time there.  What a blessing!
Men piano

After the morning services the church had a wonderful Sunday dinner prepared by one of the ladies of the church.  This was a great time of fellowship among the members and guests.   After this we all went back to the church for a preaching service after which once more folks fellowshipped with the Anniversary Cake.

Ladies 2men

The church seems to have an ongoing  building program.  Sunday school rooms were added, a new nursery to accommodate young families is ready and a renovation of the auditorium is done.    Each year it seems more is done on the building both inside and out.

There was a good spirit among all the folks and an excellent moving of the Holy Spirit as hearts yielded to the call of the Lord in their lives.

I sensed the vision of the Pastor and people along with their determination to build a great work for the Lord in this part of Pennsylvania. 



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