The Kind of Missionaries we want
by. B. Simpson (1844-1919)
WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN who are thoroughly converted and know it.
WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN who are fully consecrated to God, sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit,
so saved from themselves that they are at leisure to work for others;
WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN who are burning with the love of souls and are longing to lead men and women to Christ
WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN Who have already begun to work for Christ and have led many souls to the Savior. One of the first
questions asked a missionary candidate is how many you have lead to Christ since you were saved? The best place to begin foreign missionary work is at home. A man went away from meeting the Board the other day not being able to answer this question satisfactorily, he was
determined it should not happen again. The next Sunday God gave him three souls .
WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN who are easy to get along with, who have died to self and self will, who can keep sweet and can submit themselves to their superintendents until they have learned the language and become qualified to be leaders; who can keep rank as David's soldiers; who are adjustable, good natured, ready to meet persecution and insult without getting angry, and who can live the gospel of Christ among the heathen even as the Master did.
WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN who are strong, vigorous, rugged, and healthy; or at least have such a hold of the Lord for their bodies that they are not afraid of climate, hard work, inclemency of the weather and physical pressure; who now are having victories in their bodies and are able to stand exposure and hardship and do real work for God.
WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN who know the Lord so well they can have His joy under all circumstances; who will not be afraid of loneliness or privation; who ask no greater recompense than the privilege of serving and pleasing Him, and who go out not wanting sympathy,
but rejoicing in the name of missionary and the privilege of enduring suffering and even shame for the Name of Him who died for them.
WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN who have such a distinct call to the mission field that they cannot stay back, and that even if we do not send them, they will go somehow.
Note by Brother Souza:
The same could be said about Evangelists, Pastors, Sunday School teachers, Christian works and ALL who claim
the name of Jesus as their Savior and Lord. After all are we not all a missionary or perhaps a mission field?